News & Events
Stay updated with the latest news and exciting events.

Mid Semester 2 Exams Timetable – 2024 / 2025 – جدول اختبارات منتصف الفصل الدراسي الثاني
Dear Parents of Year 1-9 Students, click here to access the Mid-Semester 2 Exam Timetable on the Academy’s website. The Learning Content (Unit Content) and Learning Objectives will be available next week on the school website and the Ta’allum Parent App.

Student Tablets For Year 3-10
We remind you that working tablets are an essential item for all Ta’allum students (Years 3-10) in every lesson and for home learning.

Welcome Back New Academic Year 2024-2025
We hope you have had an enjoyable and restful summer break and that you are as eager and excited as we are to start a new academic year.