Learning Support Department
Inspiring growth, excellence, and lifelong learning.
"An excellent internationally recognised education with Islamic identity"
Al Maha for Girls Learning Support; represents a collaborative effort, involving the school, family, and community in developing an appropriate inclusive educational programme. At our core, we aim to meet the varying needs of all students identified as having mild to moderate Special Educational Needs (SEN) by modifying the curriculum and equipping the students with self-improvement skills so that they are better able to enjoy their educational journey and reach their potential.
Cultural, Islamic and Tarbeya values are deeply embedded into all our approaches.
Through a well-structured system of Referrals, Assessments and Provisions, the Learning Support team intervenes at the earliest stage to accommodate the needs of each student; thus, ensuring that individual students are supported throughout their educational journey by securing opportunities to achieve and become confident members of the wider community.
Student enrolled in the Learning Support have access to a range of high-quality resources to support them in their learning; such resources include: a powerful reading recovery resource; Clicker7 (a software program that improves both reading and writing skills rapidly.)